Trinity Leeds Location City: Leeds, UK

Winner of the ICSC's Global RECON VIVA 'Best of the Best' designed shopping centre in the World award

VIEWS:  28232
Retail, Leisure
Architecture, Interiors
London, Manchester
Land Securities


Key Info

A new retail and leisure destination of 120 outlets, with 25% of the space dedicated to food and leisure facilities
72,245m² GLA
BREEAM Excellent
Opened in March 2013
Key award:
Global ICSC RECON VIVA 'Best of the Best' designed shopping centre in the world 2015

Map Location

Retail-led regeneration in the heart of the city

Chapman Taylor’s brief was to unite three of Leeds’ busiest thoroughfares around a new central space, including the refurbishment of an existing shopping centre. The 72,000m² development houses shops, bars, restaurants and a cinema in an all-day, all-evening venue, with 120 outlets operating in total. Buildings are linked by a series of naturally-ventilated, arcaded streets and public spaces, modern yet sympathetic to the Victorian streetscape and adjacent, 18th Century, Holy Trinity Church.

25% of space dedicated to food and leisure

25% of the total commercial space is dedicated to food and leisure, including a 2,500m², four-screen art-house cinema, a rooftop dining terrace and basement cocktail bars. Trinity is pioneering in the way it incorporates such a high proportion of F&B and leisure facilities.

Trinity Kitchen - the UK's first indoor street food venue

The most pioneering element is the creation of ‘Trinity Kitchen’, the UK’s first authentic indoor street food venue, offering a wide range of culinary options. With everything from the freshest Thai food to double smoked pork and beef hot dogs served from an American hot dog cart, Trinity Kitchen is offering shoppers an authentic taste of the very best street food from across the world. Vendors are regularly changed to keep the offer up to date and to provide customers with new eating experiences.

Our first collaborative BIM project

Designed by Chapman Taylor in CAD to Stage D, the Executive Architect team remodelled the project in BIM at stage E, modelling the integrated structure throughout, and services in key areas. The major tenant option process was managed within BIM during construction. Parallel sets of drawings had been issued by several contractors over six months, but were transferred into our main BIM model over one weekend, allowing multiple collaborating teams to carry on seamlessly.

Recognised for its success

The multi-award-winning Trinity Leeds centre opened in March 2013, attracting over 23 million visitors in its first year, and 120 million visitors in the five years after it opened. The scheme adds £150 million to Leeds economy every year.

The development is rated BREEAM ‘Excellent’ for sustainability. Among its many awards, Leeds Trinity was ‘Global ICSC RECON VIVA ‘Best of the Best’ designed shopping centre in the world in 2015, and ‘Best Retail Estate Development in City Centre’ at the prestigious MAPIC Awards, 2013.

Trinity Leeds has had an extraordinary socio-economic impact on the local area, with the city of Leeds reporting an increase in overall visitor numbers of 2 million.

Adrian Griffiths (BA (Hons) Dip Arch RIBA MA Urban Design FRSA)

Group Board Director, UK

Adrian joined Chapman Taylor in 1986 and was promoted to the Group Board in 1998. As an architect and urban design specialist, he is recognised internationally for his expertise in the masterplanning of major complex mixed-use developments which are key drivers in the regeneration of our town and city centres.

Adrian is conscious of the fact that the developments we build today create the societies of tomorrow, recognising the responsibility the profession has in influencing the quality of people’s lives. He regularly speaks at conferences and prepares papers which promote the benefits of mixed-use developments as a sustainable model for the long term. Adrian leads the Concept Design Team in the UK.

Areas of expertise:

Urban design / Masterplanning / Mixed use / Retail / Leisure

Adrian entra a far parte di Chapman Taylor nel 1986 e si unisce al Main Board nel 1998. Come architetto e specialista in progettazione urbanistica, è conosciuto a livello internazionale per la sua esperienza nei masterplan di grandi complessi multi-funzionali, che sono i principali autori nella rigenerazione dei nostri centri urbani.

Adrian è consapevole del fatto che le zone di sviluppo urbano che oggi costruiamo creano le società di domani, riconoscendo la responsabilità che la professione ha nell'influenzare la qualità della vita delle persone. Adrian partecipa abitualmente a conferenze e scrive articoli che promuovono i benefici degli spazi multifunzionali come modello sostenibile a lungo termine. Adrian guida il Concept Design Team nel Regno Unito.

Aree di competenza:

Urban design / Masterplanning / Mixed use / Retail / Leisure

Adrian kam 1986 zu Chapman Taylor und wurde 1998 ins Main Board befördert. Als Architekt und Urban Design-Spezialist ist er international anerkannt für seine Expertise in der Masterplanung von komplexen Mischbebauungsvorhaben, die Schlüsselfaktoren bei der Regeneration unserer Stadt- und Ortszentren sind.

Adrian ist sich der Tatsache bewusst, dass die Bauvorhaben, die wir heute umsetzen, die Gesellschaft von morgen bilden und ist sich der Verantwortung unseres Berufs als Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität der Menschen bewusst. Er spricht auf Konferenzen und schreibt Abhandlungen über die Vorteile von Mischbebauungsvorhaben als langfristig nachhaltiges Modell. Adrian leitet das Konzept-Design-Team in Großbritannien.


Städtebau / Masterplanung / Mixed-Use / Einzelhandel / Freizeitbauten


New Centre Award -  BCSC Gold Awards
New Centre Award - BCSC Gold Awards
Best Retail Real Estate Development in a City Centre -  MAPIC Awards
Best Retail Real Estate Development in a City Centre - MAPIC Awards
Commendation Award -  Structural Awards
Commendation Award - Structural Awards
Commercial Category Winner -  West Yorkshire Building Excellence Awards
Commercial Category Winner - West Yorkshire Building Excellence Awards
Best Commercial Development -  Yorkshire Property Awards
Best Commercial Development - Yorkshire Property Awards
Best of the Best Design Award -  Global ICSC Award
Best of the Best Design Award - Global ICSC Award
Mixed-use Architecture Yorkshire & The Humber -   UK Property Awards
Mixed-use Architecture Yorkshire & The Humber - UK Property Awards
Best International Shopping Centre -  RLI Awards
Best International Shopping Centre - RLI Awards
Hospitality Award -  RLI Awards
Hospitality Award - RLI Awards
New Developments, Large -  ICSC European Shopping Centre Awards
New Developments, Large - ICSC European Shopping Centre Awards
Development of the Year -  Yorkshire Property Industry Awards
Development of the Year - Yorkshire Property Industry Awards
All awards
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