Building permission granted for Schanzäckerstrasse residential development in Nuremberg

The mixed-use, residential-led Schanzäckerstrasse scheme has been granted Building Permission in the German city of Nuremberg.

Chapman Taylor was appointed by BAYIKO (Bayerisches Immobilien Kontor GmbH) to design a five-storey residential and commercial building at Schanzäckerstrasse. The 7,800 m² GFA development will include 55 residential units of between one and four rooms each as well as two commercial units which will create a lively street frontage.

The building consists of three individual “houses“ which are differentiated in the façade by contrasting colours so that the exterior visually complements the prevailing scale of buildings in the wider district.

The site for the new building is located in the city’s attractive Gostenhof district, which borders Nuremberg’s Old Town to the south-west. The district has developed into a trendy district (“GoHo”) since the 1980s due to the arrival of many new pubs and cafés, artists’ studios, small alternative shops and start-ups, and it is now a popular place to live for students and young families.

The building plot currently only includes a one-storey car dealership and will be redensified by the construction of the five-storey residential and commercial building in a way which complements its central location and which closes the gap in the block.

The site sits opposite the Kohlenhof urban development project currently being developed on the former railway tracks, where new office, retail and commercial space and a large public park are being created on 11 hectares of fallow land.

Completion is scheduled for autumn 2022.

Hendrik Wirths

Director, Düsseldorf

Hendrik specialises in problem-solving throughout the planning and construction process, from the initial concept design through to all levels of planning and development, specification, bidding, site supervision and final acceptance.

He is passionate about the need to foster collaborative working relationships between all of the parties involved in order to successfully complete a project.

Hendrik finished his studies at Cologne University of Applied Sciences in 1998, becoming a qualified architect in 2001 and subsequently working in Lisbon, Bolzano and Cologne. Hendrik joined Chapman Taylor's Düsseldorf studio in 2017.

Areas of expertise:

Residential / Workplace / Commercial Buildings / Construction in Existing Contexts

Hendrik Wirths arbeitet seit 2017 als Projektleiter bei Chapman Taylor in Düsseldorf. Aktuell ist er für den Neubau eines Bürogebäudeensembles in Nürnberg sowie für Wohnungsbauprojekte mit insgesamt 350 Wohneinheiten verantwortlich.

Nach Beendigung seines Studiums sammelte er in Lissabon, Bozen und Köln umfangreiche Erfahrungen bei der Planung und Realisierung unterschiedlichster Bauaufgaben. Von der ersten Konzeptskizze bis zur Übergabe nach Fertigstellung arbeitete er dabei im gesamten Leistungsbild der HOAI.

Neben dem Schwerpunkt Wohnungsbau realisierte er Neu- und Umbauprojekte aus den Bereichen Büro, Handel und Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen.


Wohnungsbau / Büro / Einzelhandel/ Bauen im Bestand

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