Chapman Taylor attending Passenger Terminal Expo 2025 at IFEMA, Madrid, Spain, 8-10 April

Chapman Taylor’s Transportation team are attending Passenger Terminal Expo 2025 (PTExpo), which takes place at IFEMA, Madrid, Spain, between 8-10 April.

The event is the world’s largest annual aviation industry exhibition, drawing over 10,000 attendees and 300 exhibitors from more than 120 countries. The conference will see over 450 expert speakers discussing the latest developments and anticipated trends in the aviation industry.

Leading figures from airlines, airports, design companies, developers, and governments will attend the event to network and exchange ideas.

Chapman Taylor is highly experienced in the design of airports, aviation infrastructure, and related commercial areas. We have designed and delivered transport-orientated projects at some of the world's most famous passenger hubs, including new-build transport infrastructure, retail and F&B areas, concourse design, passenger flow planning, and refurbishments.

Our expertise, combined with our work at other transport hubs, means that we understand the functional and commercial requirements of airports, including their future-proofing. We are also at the cutting edge of research and thinking about how to turn them into flexible and commercially successful destinations in their own right.

Our Team attending include Luke Kendall (Director, UK), Jan Dijkema (Director, Madrid), Mariia Grachova (Director, Brussels), Alberto Munoz (Senior Architect, Madrid), and Jorge Alonso (Architect and Planner, Madrid).

If you would like to meet us and discuss our experience and thoughts about the aviation sector, please use the details below to contact us.

Luke Kendall (BA(hons) )

Director, UK

Luke joined Chapman Taylor in 2006 and has an established track record having worked on a number of award-winning high profile projects from conception to delivery.

Luke became a Director in 2023 and has strong expertise in leading and managing large design teams on major projects.

Areas of expertise:

Transportation / Retail / Mixed-use / Delivery

Jan Dijkema (M Arch Dipl. Arch RIBA ARB SBA)

Director, Madrid

Jan has over 20 years’ experience working across a range of large-scale, mixed-use projects in Spain, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

He joined Chapman Taylor in 2001 and became a Director of the Madrid studio in 2007, where he undertakes a key role in leading multidisciplinary design teams on international projects across the retail, hospitality, workplace and residential sectors.

He also takes responsibility for organisational support, resource and project planning in the studio.

Areas of expertise:

Masterplanning / Mixed-use / Urban Regeneration / Retail / Leisure / Hotel & Tourism / Workplace / Transportation

Jan comenzó a trabajar para Chapman Taylor en 2001 como arquitecto senior. Desde entonces, ha dirigido equipos multi-disciplinares para el diseño y desarrollo de áreas comerciales, proyectos hoteleros y residenciales.

En 2007 fue ascendido a Director. Su trabajo abarca numerosos proyectos nacionales y un gran número de desarrollos internacionales de uso mixto a gran escala. También se encarga de planificar los recursos necesarios para el buen funcionamiento y desarrollo de los proyectos en el estudio.

Áreas de especialización:

Planes directores / Usos Mixtos / Regeneración Urbana / Centros Comerciales / Ocio / Hoteles y Turismo / Oficinas / Transporte

مدير ,مدريد

يتمتع جان بخبرة تزيد عن 20 عامًا في العمل عبر مجموعة كبيرة من المشاريع الكبيرة متعددة الاستخدامات في إسبانيا وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا.

انضم إلى تشابمان تايلور في عام 2001 وأصبح مديرًا لاستوديو مدريد في عام 2007 ، حيث يقوم بدور رئيسي في قيادة فرق التصميم متعددة التخصصات في المشاريع الدولية عبر قطاعات المتاجروالضيافة والمكاتب والإسكان.

كما أنه يتحمل مسؤولية الدعم التنظيمي والموارد وتخطيط المشروعات في الاستوديو.

مجالات الخبرة:

التخطيط العام / الاستخدام المتعدد / التجديد الحضري / المتاجر / الترفيه / الفنادق والسياحة / اماكن العمل / النقل

Mariia Grachova (MS Arch)

Director, Brussels

Mariia has worked on major retail, transportation, and mixed-use schemes across Europe, Africa, and South Asia, focusing on close collaboration with clients and consultants to achieve successful outcomes. Her linguistic, cultural, and technical knowledge spans multiple regions.

Joining Chapman Taylor in 2012, she advanced to Director in 2023. Known for her collaborative approach, Mariia is committed to sharing expertise, fostering teamwork, and contributing fresh ideas for future visions and insights.

Areas of expertise:

Transportation / Retail / Mixed-Use / Delivery

Alberto Muñoz (M. Arch ETSAS)

Senior Architect

Alberto joined Chapman Taylor's in 2017. Alberto has developed his design and coordination skills working on projects across all design stages from masterplans to concept design, scheme design, detailed design, interior design, and graphic design.

Alberto has worked on and coordinated projects in a number of countries such as Spain, Portugal, and the MENA region. He is responsible for the Madrid Studio’s inhouse Design Forum and he also participates actively in the business development team.

Areas of expertise:

Concept design / Masterplanning / Mixed-use / Offices / Hospitality / Residential / Retail

Jorge Alonso Rodríguez (MArch COOA)

Architect and Planner; Business Development, Madrid

Jorge is responsible for our business development strategy in Spain and Latin America and is a regular speaker at international real estate conferences on innovation, technology, society, the future and responsible design.

As an Architect and Planner, he is a member of the Madrid studio’s Creative Research team and a specialist in project design, having worked on the design and development of many mixed-use, retail, leisure, office, hotel and residential projects in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.

Jorge joined Chapman Taylor in 1995, working in our London studio while studying at university in Spain. He has been a key influence on the growth and direction of our Madrid studio since 2004.

Areas of expertise:

Masterplanning / Urban Regeneration / Mixed-Use / Industrial / Modular construction / Client Liaison / PR & Communications


Jorge es el responsable de nuestra estrategia de expansión en España y Latinoamérica y es ponente habitual en congresos inmobiliarios internacionales sobre innovación, tecnología, sociedad, futuro y diseño responsable.

Como Arquitecto y Urbanista es miembro del equipo de Investigación Creativa (i+C) del estudio de Madrid y es especialista en diseño de proyectos habiendo trabajado en el diseño y desarrollo de muchos proyectos de uso mixto, retail, ocio, oficinas, hoteles y residenciales en Europa, América Latina, Oriente Medio y África.

Jorge se incorporó a Chapman Taylor en 1995, trabajando en nuestro estudio de Londres mientras estudiaba en la Universidad. Ha sido una influencia clave en el crecimiento y la dirección de nuestro estudio de Madrid desde 2004.

Áreas de especialización:

Planificación maestra / Regeneración urbana / Uso mixto / Industrial / Construcción modular / Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación

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