Chapman Taylor behind the first volumetric modular hotel to be completed in Manchester
Erstes volumetrisch-modulares Hotel in Manchester fertiggestellt
Chapman Taylor’s new 220 bedroom Holiday Inn Express, built off-site from purpose built steel shipping containers, has been completed at Manchester’s Trafford City. It is the first hotel in the North West to be built using this particular type of volumetric modular construction.
Volumetric modular construction is a method of ‘off-site construction which sees a large portion of a building being constructed as a series of separate modules (or pods) in a controlled environment; typically a purpose built factory or large manufacturing warehouse. The individual modules are then transported to the site where they are assembled to create the finished building.
The hotel, located next to Manchester’s EventCity venue on a 1.75 acre site, is a joint venture between Topland, Marick and Mill Lane Estates and is the first Holiday Inn Express ‘Generation 4’ in the UK to be built using a ‘modular’ construction process.
Chapman Taylor’s Manchester studio, alongside the main contractor, Bowmer & Kirkland, developed the detailed design for the off-site hotel adopting a completely different design process, which was informed by the modular provider’s system. All 220 guestrooms have been constructed off-site from purpose-built steel shipping containers; complete with fully factory finished interior furniture, fixtures and fittings, including carpets, curtains, wallpaper and full-height windows.
Chapman Taylor hat den Bau des neuen Holiday Inn Express mit 220 Zimmern in Manchester erfolgreich fertig gestellt. Es ist das erste Hotel im Nordwesten Englands, das in volumetrischer Modulbauweise hergestellt wurde.
Der volumetrische Modulbau verlagert einen Großteil des Bauprozesses in die Vorfertigung, wo in der geschützten und kontrollierten Umgebung einer Produktionshalle eine Serie von Einzelmodulen („Pods“ oder Zellen) hergestellt werden. Die einzelnen Module werden dann im zweiten Schritt auf die Baustellen geliefert, wo sie innerhalb kürzester Zeit zum Gesamtbauwerk zusammengefügt werden.
Das Hotel, das sich neben dem wichtigen Veranstaltungscenter Manchesters EventCity befindet, ist ein Joint Venture der Unternehmen Topland, Marick and Mill Lane Estates und ist das erste Holiday Inn Express der „Generation 4“ in Großbritannien, das in modularer Bauweise gefertigt wurde.
Following their delivery to site, the 125 modules were individually stacked on an in-situ built podium structure, meaning all 220 guest rooms were installed within a 4 week period. The modules arrived on site mid-November 2016 and were all in place by December 2016.
Chapman Taylor developed a fully co-ordinated BIM model to inform the detailed design and enable the off-site fabrication to commence in line with the ambitious programme. Each module contained two fully furnished en-suite guestrooms, complete with all building services including the light fittings. The rooms were orientated within each module to mirror one another across the corresponding section of corridor.
The outer corrugated steel finish of each shipping container incorporated a vapour control layer allowing the building to achieve water-tightness within a short period. The finished external envelope was then applied using a pre-finished rain screen cladding and single ply roofing system.
Auf Basis des modularen Systems des Herstellers entwickelte Chapman Taylors Niederlassung in Manchester gemeinsam mit dem Bauunternehmen Bowmer & Kirkland eine völlig neue Vorgehensweise für die Detailplanung des vorgefertigten Hotels. Alle 220 Zimmer wurden aus speziell angefertigten Stahlcontainern in der Prouktionshalle bis ins letzte Detail vorgefertigt inklusive Inneneinrichtung, Installationen, Armaturen, Teppich, Gardinen, Tapeten und Fenstern.
Nach dem Transport wurden dann die 125 Module innerhalb von 4 Wochen auf einen vor Ort hergestellten Sockel gestapelt.
Chapman Taylor Director, Andy Carroll commented: ‘This is the first modular hotel that the practice has delivered and it has been built on time and to budget. Moving forward we are excited about continuing to build on our expertise in off-site fabrication and construction methods which offer innovative new building solutions for the future’.