Chapman Taylor collaborates on design of Park Lane Office Center in Sofia
Chapman Taylor is pleased to announce that works have started on site for the state-of-the-art Park Lane Office Center in Sofia.
The 34,850m2 GBA Park Lane Office Center will be one of the key buildings in what is destined to become a focus district for new businesses within the city. The building offers stunning views of the Vitosha mountain, which dominates the city’s skyline, and Sofia’s famous Boris Gardens. 200 new trees will also be planted around the building.
The offices have been designed with the wellbeing of its occupants in mind, with high ceilings and workspaces designed to encourage movement and collaboration while promoting visual connections across the floorplates. The ground floor will contain a café and a restaurant for use by the building’s occupants as well as local residents and visitors, bringing additional life to the local streets.
The 11-storey building will create an attractive landmark on Srebarna Street. The client has also undertaken to complete the construction of Dimitar Boyadjiev Street and to upgrading the surrounding public realm with high-quality green landscaping.
Chapman Taylor's Prague studio was delighted to be able to collaborate with the client, Park Lane Developments, and the Architect Ilian Iliev of Planning, to develop the concept design for this prominent site. The works are expected to complete in 2021.