Chapman Taylor participates in two leading Spanish hospitality conferences
Chapman Taylor is pleased to have been invited to take part in two recent hotel conferences in Spain organised by Grupo Via, at which we gave a presentation on our international experience in the hospitality sector and on the recently-opened AlRayyan Hotel beside the Mall of Qatar in Doha, Qatar.
The first conference was at the prestigious 56th International Furniture Fair at Yecla in the region of Murcia, titled “International Hotel Projects”. The gathering brought together leading architectural names in the Spanish and international hotel sector as well as representatives from the Hilton chain. The conference culminated in an interesting discussion about the future of hotels.
We were also honoured to both moderate and speak at the “Hotels and Retail Design” conference held at the Hotel Ilusión Suites in Madrid. Over 100 participants attended the event.
The AlRayyan Hotel is the first Hilton hotel opened under its Curio Collection in the Middle East. The 5-Star hotel’s highlights include five dining options - from a rooftop restaurant to 24-hour room service, three outdoor temperature-controlled pools and a top-floor ‘wellness’ area, plus a beauty salon in the foyer. The hotel provides easy access to shops in the Mall of Qatar, the largest shopping centre in the country. Chapman Taylor’s Madrid studio designed the architecture and interiors for both projects.
As world-leading hotel designers, Chapman Taylor is always pleased to be able to share our expertise and insights relating to the hospitality field, which is of major importance in helping our clients develop powerful international tourism destinations.
For more information, please contact:
Jorge Alonso Rodríguez
Design Architect (Madrid Office)
El estudio de Madrid de CHAPMAN TAYLOR ha sido recientemente invitado a dos nuevas jornadas del Grupo Vía, esta vez relativas al sector Hotelero y en el que hemos presentado nuestro grupo internacional de arquitectos y el recientemente inaugurado Hotel del Mall of Qatar, operado por el lujoso concepto hotelero “Al Rayyan Hotel Doha, Curio Collection by Hilton”.
Primeramente se presentó durante la prestigiosa 56ª Feria Internacional del Mueble de Yecla, en Murcia, en las jornadas tituladas “Proyectos Hoteleros Internacionales” junto con otros arquitectos especializados en el sector hotelero a nivel nacional e internacional y en el que también participó la Cadena Hilton precisamente. Posteriormente hubo un interesante debate entre los asistentes sobre el futuro del mundo hotelero.
Posteriormente el pasado 17 de octubre tuvimos el honor de ser invitados de nuevo, esta vez no solo como ponentes sino también como moderadores de las jornadas “Hotels & Retail Design” celebrado en el Hotel Ilusión Suites de Madrid y al evento asistieron unas 100 personas.
Con nuestra presencia y actividad en estos eventos Chapman Taylor se posiciona y expande, con proyectos internacionales hoteleros de gran atractivo, en un sector que crece y evoluciona favorablemente, donde además España es potencia mundial turística.
Jorge Alonso Rodríguez