Chapman Taylor’s City Centre South Coventry masterplan wins Gold at the Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards
The urban design concept for City Centre South in Coventry has scooped Gold in this year’s Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards (UDAD) 2022.
Established in 2016, the UDAD Award is one of the world’s most prestigious awards for architecture. This year the judging panel was overwhelmed to see such a wide range of projects featuring design innovations and intelligence from across the world.
Chapman Taylor’s masterplan for the regeneration of Coventry City Centre South was recognised by the judges for improving the urban environment and putting people and sustainability at its heart. Chapman Taylor worked collaboratively with the client Shearer Property Regen Ltd and the fellow consultants listed below*.
Group Board Director Adrian Griffiths says, “Chapman Taylor’s design remedies the mistakes of the past while respecting the best elements of the area’s heritage. It’s about urban renewal and delivering a sense of place for the city. The plans will create an authentic, socially and economically sustainable spaces for people to live, work, shop and socialise in the city”.
* Client - Shearer Property Regen Ltd. | Consultant Team: Architect/Masterplanner - Chapman Taylor | Project Management/Cost Control/Principal Designer - Gardiner and Theobald | Planning/Environmental Statement - CBRE | Landscape - Hyland Edgar Driver | Transport - Transport Planning Practice | MEP/Civil and Structural Engineering/Sustainability - Cundall | Fire - Jeremy Gardiner Associates, Acoustics - Cundall | Heritage - A C Archaeology | Townscape and Visual Impact - Landscape Visual | Rights of Light/Party Wall - Malcolm Hollis | Public Relations - Redwood Consulting | Wind - RWDI, Neighbourly Matters - Hollis Global.