Chapman Taylor’s design for Shusha High Street wins a "Temel" Architecture Award

Chapman Taylor’s design for Shusha's High Street has been honoured with the prestigious "Temel" Architecture Award in Azerbaijan.

Nearly 100 of Azerbaijan’s finest architectural projects from the past year were evaluated, with the most outstanding projects being recognised and awarded.

The award ceremony took place on Friday, February 28th, bringing together political and industry leaders, along with representatives from over 100 architectural firms that have contributed to Azerbaijan’s urban development.

Inspired by the city's rich historical architecture, our design for the main High Street seamlessly blends heritage design elements with the demands of a modern city environment.

Marcelina Zielinska (MSC Arch and Urb Des, RIBA, FRSA)

Director, UK

Marcelina has extensive experience of all design stages on a diverse range of projects of various scales, from individual buildings to large urban masterplans.

She has a particular passion for high street regeneration, with a talent for anticipating future trends in retail and leisure and the impact they will have on town centres. Her current projects include heritage-sensitive masterplans for historic city centres.

As an architect and urban designer, Marcelina understands the importance of placemaking and of combining uses to create socially, commercially and environmentally sustainable communities, both in the UK and internationally.

Marcelina has been with Chapman Taylor since March 2007, when she joined the company to help deliver St. David’s 2 in Cardiff. Marcelina was promoted to the UK Board in 2023.

Areas of expertise:

Masterplanning / Mixed-use / Retail / Leisure / Asset Enhancement / Placemaking

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