Chapman Taylor’s masterplan concept for Shanghai East Station
Our vision for the masterplan includes multiple places to shop, work and enjoy leisure time, within the redevelopment zone of Shanghai East Railway Station. Smart integration of the station and the city with multi-layered and dynamic gateway connections will create a landmark mixed-use destination in the Yangtze River Delta region of Shanghai.
This major destination includes dynamic and well-connected entertainment experiences. The Eastern gateway of the city is marked by a graceful landscaped "living hill" leading to an intriguing fantasy garden with Chinese mountain-water landscaping and a rich variety of connected courtyards and charming waterfront environments.
The “Dream Planet” complex, connected to the railway station, will include 24-hour entertainment activities. This dynamic attraction connects multiple-themed cultural facilities, entertainment areas and an amusement park. The wide range of themed spaces will provide an extraordinary array of new digital and physical experiences for visitors. This will include Hologram shows on the Fantasy Stage to immersive plays in the Inspiration World, and experiencing an exotic natural world in Pandora’s Garden and Water Street.
Our vision for the masterplan integrates seamlessly with the railway station. Its curved flowing exterior structure, like a shining galaxy, is parallel to the Western riverway and runs along the whole site.