Come and talk to us at MAPIC 2024!

MAPIC is returning to Palais des Festivals Cannes from the 26th - the 28th of November, and we will be there.

We have stand R7.K15 in Riviera 7, so come and say hello or get in touch in advance by clicking on the names below.

From the UK: Adrian Griffiths
From Brussels: Mariia Grachova
From Dubai: Olly Bradley-Barnard
From Germany: Ruprecht Melder
From Poland: Rafal Giersz
From Prague: Filip Pokorny
From Spain: Jorge Alonso
From the Marketing Team: Sean Hosey
From the Business Development Team: Hui Jun Wang

MAPIC is the leading global platform to build vibrant retail and urban destinations. The international retail property market event will gather retail, property, food and leisure leaders from over 80 countries at the on-site event.

The programme includes exhibitions, networking events, lectures and discussion groups. MAPIC 2024 edition will analyse the main changes taking place in the industry.

Chapman Taylor’s expertise in the retail sector is unmatched, but retail is evolving. We create mixed-use solutions, from masterplanning large-scale regenerations of historic city centres to designing major shopping malls incorporating cinemas, F&B, quality urban realm, and cutting-edge transport hubs. We help our clients build better communities.

To join us at the event, visit:

#MAPIC #MAPIC2024 #Retail #RetailArchitects #RetailArchitecture #RetailInteriors

Adrian Griffiths (BA (Hons) Dip Arch RIBA MA Urban Design FRSA)

Group Board Director, UK

Adrian joined Chapman Taylor in 1986 and was promoted to the Group Board in 1998. As an architect and urban design specialist, he is recognised internationally for his expertise in the masterplanning of major complex mixed-use developments which are key drivers in the regeneration of our town and city centres.

Adrian is conscious of the fact that the developments we build today create the societies of tomorrow, recognising the responsibility the profession has in influencing the quality of people’s lives. He regularly speaks at conferences and prepares papers which promote the benefits of mixed-use developments as a sustainable model for the long term. Adrian leads the Concept Design Team in the UK.

Areas of expertise:

Urban design / Masterplanning / Mixed use / Retail / Leisure

Adrian entra a far parte di Chapman Taylor nel 1986 e si unisce al Main Board nel 1998. Come architetto e specialista in progettazione urbanistica, è conosciuto a livello internazionale per la sua esperienza nei masterplan di grandi complessi multi-funzionali, che sono i principali autori nella rigenerazione dei nostri centri urbani.

Adrian è consapevole del fatto che le zone di sviluppo urbano che oggi costruiamo creano le società di domani, riconoscendo la responsabilità che la professione ha nell'influenzare la qualità della vita delle persone. Adrian partecipa abitualmente a conferenze e scrive articoli che promuovono i benefici degli spazi multifunzionali come modello sostenibile a lungo termine. Adrian guida il Concept Design Team nel Regno Unito.

Aree di competenza:

Urban design / Masterplanning / Mixed use / Retail / Leisure

Adrian kam 1986 zu Chapman Taylor und wurde 1998 ins Main Board befördert. Als Architekt und Urban Design-Spezialist ist er international anerkannt für seine Expertise in der Masterplanung von komplexen Mischbebauungsvorhaben, die Schlüsselfaktoren bei der Regeneration unserer Stadt- und Ortszentren sind.

Adrian ist sich der Tatsache bewusst, dass die Bauvorhaben, die wir heute umsetzen, die Gesellschaft von morgen bilden und ist sich der Verantwortung unseres Berufs als Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität der Menschen bewusst. Er spricht auf Konferenzen und schreibt Abhandlungen über die Vorteile von Mischbebauungsvorhaben als langfristig nachhaltiges Modell. Adrian leitet das Konzept-Design-Team in Großbritannien.


Städtebau / Masterplanung / Mixed-Use / Einzelhandel / Freizeitbauten

Ruprecht Melder (Dipl Ing Architekt (Univ))

Group Board Director, Düsseldorf

Ruprecht is responsible for leading the design and delivery of major workplace, retail, and mixed-use projects in our Düsseldorf studio.

He has established the role of 'General Planner' within the Düsseldorf studio and has successfully led General Planner teams on several large-scale projects and is dedicated to delivering high-quality architecture to our clients.

Ruprecht joined Chapman Taylor in 1995. After joining the Düsseldorf management board as a Prokurist in 2008, he became joint Managing Director in 2013 to support the growth of our German business and continues to oversee project work in Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Slovenia. He joined the Group Board in 2021.

Areas of expertise:

General Planner / Retail / Mixed-use / Workplace

Ruprecht ist seit 1995 bei Chapman Taylor und ist verantwortlich für die Konzeption und Durchführung von Einzelhandels-, Büro- und Mixed-Use-Projekten in unserem Büro in Düsseldorf.

Im Jahr 2008 wurde Ruprecht Melder als Prokurist Teil der Geschäftsführung und ist seit 2013 als Geschäftsführer für die Leitung und die Entwicklung des Düsseldorfer Standortes zuständig. 2021 wurde er in den Vorstand von Chapman Taylor berufen.

Ein weiterer Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt ist die des Generalplaners. Diesen Aufgabenbereich hat Ruprecht im deutschen Büro etabliert und hat sich als Leiter von Generalplanungs-Teams bei Großprojekten erfolgreich bewährt.


Generalplanung / Einzelhandel / Mixed-Use / Bürobau

Mariia Grachova (MS Arch)

Director, Brussels

Mariia has worked on major retail, transportation, and mixed-use schemes across Europe, Africa, and South Asia, focusing on close collaboration with clients and consultants to achieve successful outcomes. Her linguistic, cultural, and technical knowledge spans multiple regions.

Joining Chapman Taylor in 2012, she advanced to Director in 2023. Known for her collaborative approach, Mariia is committed to sharing expertise, fostering teamwork, and contributing fresh ideas for future visions and insights.

Areas of expertise:

Transportation / Retail / Mixed-Use / Delivery

Olly Bradley-Barnard (BArch)

Director, Dubai

Olly joined Chapman Taylor’s Bangkok studio in 2012. During his time in South East Asia, he worked on a variety of award-winning projects in the region, including Mui Dinh Eco Park in Vietnam – winner of the prestigious MIPIM “Best Futura Mega Project” Award in 2018.

He joined our Dubai studio in 2018 to strengthen our presence in the region with his experience of designing in many different countries and cultures. He has worked on many key projects in the region, including a major mixed-use project in Madinah, Airport City in Jeddah and many important government-funded projects in Saudi Arabia.

Olly’s approach to projects is to create and develop a design concept that has a strong identity, informed by the place, the culture and other aspects of the development’s context.

Olly was promoted to the position of Director in our Dubai studio in 2022.

Areas of expertise:

Masterplanning / Mixed-use / Retail / Hospitality / Residential / Concept Design

Rafal Giersz

Director, Warsaw

Rafal has worked on several major retail-led projects, using his excellent retail design knowledge to enhance schemes. He has also been involved in developing our business in the retail and leisure sectors.

He joined Chapman Taylor's London studio in December 2006, transferring to the Warsaw studio, in Poland, in April 2007, where he became Director in 2020.

Rafal is focused on using his skills to strengthen the Warsaw studio’s capabilities in producing world-class architectural design.

Areas of Expertise:

Retail / Leisure

Filip Pokorny (PhD (Urban Planning and Brownfield Regeneration))

Director, Prague

Filip is responsible for the management of our key projects in Prague. He has strong retail design skills, as well as specialist design skills in planning and regeneration.

Balancing commercial and architectural insights, he has worked across all project stages, from feasibility, planning and building permitting processes through to on-site construction quality control.

Filip has been with Chapman Taylor’s Prague studio since 2007.

Areas of expertise:

Retail / Residential / Workplace / Masterplanning / Brownfield Redevelopment

Jorge Alonso Rodríguez (MArch COOA)

Architect and Planner; Business Development, Madrid

Jorge is responsible for our business development strategy in Spain and Latin America and is a regular speaker at international real estate conferences on innovation, technology, society, the future and responsible design.

As an Architect and Planner, he is a member of the Madrid studio’s Creative Research team and a specialist in project design, having worked on the design and development of many mixed-use, retail, leisure, office, hotel and residential projects in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.

Jorge joined Chapman Taylor in 1995, working in our London studio while studying at university in Spain. He has been a key influence on the growth and direction of our Madrid studio since 2004.

Areas of expertise:

Masterplanning / Urban Regeneration / Mixed-Use / Industrial / Modular construction / Client Liaison / PR & Communications


Jorge es el responsable de nuestra estrategia de expansión en España y Latinoamérica y es ponente habitual en congresos inmobiliarios internacionales sobre innovación, tecnología, sociedad, futuro y diseño responsable.

Como Arquitecto y Urbanista es miembro del equipo de Investigación Creativa (i+C) del estudio de Madrid y es especialista en diseño de proyectos habiendo trabajado en el diseño y desarrollo de muchos proyectos de uso mixto, retail, ocio, oficinas, hoteles y residenciales en Europa, América Latina, Oriente Medio y África.

Jorge se incorporó a Chapman Taylor en 1995, trabajando en nuestro estudio de Londres mientras estudiaba en la Universidad. Ha sido una influencia clave en el crecimiento y la dirección de nuestro estudio de Madrid desde 2004.

Áreas de especialización:

Planificación maestra / Regeneración urbana / Uso mixto / Industrial / Construcción modular / Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación

Sean Hosey (BSc (Hons) MA Communications)

Director, Marketing, UK (Global)

Sean joined Chapman Taylor in 2014. Based in our London studio, he is the Group Marketing Director, responsible for leading our in-house marketing team.

With over 20 years’ board level marketing experience, he is responsible for establishing and implementing Chapman Taylor’s international marketing and communications strategy alongside the group board and is the first point of contact for all marketing and PR-related queries.

Areas of expertise:

Marketing / Communications

Hui Jun Wang (M Arch)

BD Global, Düsseldorf

Hui Jun Wang has a group-wide Business Development role at Chapman Taylor.

Hui Jun earned her degree in Architecture from Beijing University of Technology, China, in 2011. Since then, she has held various positions in both architecture and business development sectors in China, the United States, and Germany.

With a wealth of experience in Business Development, she has a track record of successfully cultivating business opportunities with prominent real estate developers and government entities.

Area of Expertise:

Business Development

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