Our scheme Maltepe Park in Istanbul is a 2016 ICSC European Shopping Centre Awards finalist
On the 19th of November, The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) announced the 2016 ICSC European Shopping Centre Awards finalists at MAPIC in Cannes.
Twelve centres have been shortlisted, representing ten countries across Europe with finalists located in Turkey, Portugal, Israel, Germany, France, Denmark, Estonia, Netherlands, Italy and the UK.
Our scheme, CarrefourSA Maltepe Park Shopping Centre in Istanbul in the Maltepe district, is up for the ‘Refurbishment/Expansion: Large’ Award. Chapman Taylor has been responsible for the development of Maltepe Park Extension and Refurbishment from the Feasibility / Masterplanning stages to Scheme Design Development.
CarrefourSA Maltepe Park Shopping Centre opened in 2005 on the Asian side of Istanbul in the Maltepe district, with a total of 31.500 square meters and 110 shops. It has now been extended to 75,000 sq m and a total of 250 shops.
Every year, ICSC presents awards to the best retail developments in Europe. Widely acknowledged to be the most prestigious recognition within the industry, ICSC’s awards are assessed by senior international figures within the retail real estate industry. The ICSC Awards give owners, developers, architects and shopping centre managers the opportunity to showcase their work to a global audience.
Any new or refurbished retail or entertainment project opened between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2015 and any established centres opened, refurbished or expanded opened before 2010 were eligible to apply for an award.
The jury will commence their tour of all the finalists across Europe early next year before a final decision is made ahead of the winners’ announcement at the dinner of the ICSC’s European Conference on 18-19 April 2016 in Milan, Italy.
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