Tim Partington speaks about the future of high streets with Future Cities online forum
Chapman Taylor Main Board Director Tim Partington took part in a panel discussion on the future of our high streets as part of the Future Cities Forum on Thursday 7 May.
Bolton Victoria Square
The panel discussion focused on how high streets can be made successful and vibrant through creating a sense of place, incorporating a mix of uses and spaces for entertainment and leisure. Particular emphasis was placed on the need to reverse 40 years of progressive hollowing out and decline of town centres, a process which the COVID-19 crisis has only served to accelerate.
Tim offered insights into how Chapman Taylor approaches urban redevelopment, using our projects at Bolton Victoria Square, North Westgate in Peterborough, The Lexicon in Bracknell and Princesshay in Exeter as examples of how the high street can be reinvigorated by well-considered mixed-use designs. He also spoke about how the preservation of heritage can be successfully integrated with the reimagining of our town centres.
A good summary of the informative and enjoyable discussion can be found on the Future Cities blog page.
Chapman Taylor has long advocated the benefits of providing integrated high street environments in which a holistic design approach incorporates retail, leisure, F&B, residential, office and hospitality uses together with community facilities– the latter including health and wellbeing services, cultural attractions and educational space. We have successfully designed many schemes in accordance with this approach and believe it offers a road map for town and city centre regeneration across the UK and beyond.