World Environment Day: Chapman Taylor’s commitment to responsible design
The 5th of June is World Environment Day, and we at Chapman Taylor are committed to doing our part to help protect the environment wherever we work, worldwide.
Architecture is an essential arena for sustainable innovation. With buildings being responsible for a significant proportion of the world’s energy use and carbon emissions, there is a responsibility on those of us involved in the built environment to do our bit to assist in minimising damage to the planet and not to inhibit opportunities for future generations.
At Chapman Taylor, we pride ourselves on being both creative and sustainability-conscious designers, and a world leader in sustainable architecture. Our underlying objective is to efficiently maximise the potential of any scheme, while striving to minimise its impact on the environment.
BREEAM Excellent Trinity Leeds comprises buildings linked by a series of naturally ventilated, arcaded streets and public spaces.
We believe that good architects should be responsible in all aspects of our designs, we should make buildings which are comfortable and don’t require a lot of energy to heat and cool and we should be using appropriate materials.
In 2004, we formed a dedicated in-house Chapman Taylor Sustainability Group tasked with building awareness and knowledge of effective and affordable sustainable design, as well as promoting innovative and practical methods of construction.
Chapman Taylor’s commitment to environmental responsibility can also be seen through our desire to further our knowledge and understanding of the topic in our industry. We have established strong and successful working relationships with some of the world's best international environmental consultants.
Our knowledge and understanding of environmentally sustainable design has led to the achievement of the highest levels of BREEAM, LEED and other energy performance certification on many of our projects. MediaCityUK, for example, was the first development in the world to obtain BREEAM Sustainable Community status, which is testament to our world-leading credentials in this area and sustainable architecture in general.
As creative and sustainability-conscious designers, Chapman Taylor's common sense approach is to maximise the efficiency of a scheme while striving to minimise its environmental impact. We seek to create developments which are commercially realistic yet environmentally responsible.
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