Jinqiao Mixed-Use District Location City: Shanghai, China

Collaborative regeneration of Shanghai's Pudong area.

VIEWS:  9642
Masterplanning, Mixed Use, Retail, Residential, Leisure, Workplace
Jinqiao Group


Key Info

Two retail-led, mixed-use development blocks among seven other mixed-use blocks.
Two blocks of 18,070m² and 19,790m², respectively
Design development stage

Map Location

Designing two of nine mixed-use blocks in a new district

Chapman Taylor won a design competition for two retail-led blocks in a new mixed-use development to be built at Jinqiao, in Shanghai, China.

Retail, Leisure, Office and Residential components

The competition involved the design of nine building blocks, with 19 designers from 14 of the world’s best-known masterplanners and architects of mixed-use developments taking part. The competition was part of a collaborative process aimed at producing a new world-class, mixed-use district for Shanghai.

Chapman Taylor was the only firm awarded two blocks, which will be the principal retail, leisure and F&B elements of the development. The blocks will also include office and residential components.

Collaboration on a large scale

The aim is to open all nine blocks of the landmark 1,000,000m² development, which will be planned collaboratively between all the winning designers, within four years. The masterplan is one of a number of large-scale government projects on which Chapman Taylor is working in the Shanghai area and elsewhere in China.

Chapman Taylor won a design competition for two retail-led, mixed-use blocks in this new development district for Shanghai

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