Cine Yelmo Luxury Palafox Cinema Location City: Madrid, Spain

An elegant and timeless refurbishment for a Madrid cinema landmark.

VIEWS:  9845
Yelmo Cines


Key Info

Refurbishment of seven cinema theatres, lobby, bar area and public amenities
Completed in September 2019

Map Location

A sensitive, two-year refurbishment

Chapman Taylor’s Madrid studio created a timeless design for Madrid’s Cine Yelmo Luxury Palafox Cinema, which reopened to the public in September 2019 after a two-year refurbishment.

Luxury and comfort

The elegant redesign of the 350-seat movie theatre for Yelmo Cines creates a luxury environment which combines the ambience and comfort of the golden age of cinema with state-of-the-art audiovisual technology.

Retro design touches

The lobby, bar area and public amenities have been completely modernised while maintaining its historical golden dome, using retro design touches, with a striking motif of black and gold materials blending with high-quality ceramics and glass throughout. Food and drink can be ordered from the bar or from the automatic kiosks in the lobby.

Service to your seat

The luxury upgrade of the well-known 1960s landmark also included the provision of large and extra-comfortable leather recliners to host approximately 50 people in each of the seven theatres, with more space between the rows, folding tables, small lamps and buttons for calling waiters to your seat during the trailers if customers want a gin & tonic, hamburger or crêpe.

Chapman Taylor's Madrid studio designed the two-year refurbishment of this well-known Madrid cinema.

Mikel Barriola (B Arch Dip Arch ARB BEDA (Hons) COAM)

Group Board Director, Madrid

With a well-established track record, Mikel has experience on major projects across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America, with design expertise in retail, leisure, residential, hospitality and mixed-use developments.

Mikel joined Chapman Taylor in 1997 and became a Director of the Madrid studio in 2003. He joined the Group Board in 2020 and continues to take responsibility for the Madrid studio as Managing Director, including the direction and management of design, technical, financial and office administration.

Areas of expertise:

Masterplanning / Mixed-use / Urban Regeneration / Retail / Leisure

Mikel se incorporó a Chapman Taylor en 1997 y se convirtió en Director del Estudio de Madrid en 2003. Hoy en día es el Director General y tiene la responsabilidad de la dirección general del Estudio (diseño, parte técnica y financiera y administración de la oficina).

La experiencia que posee Mikel se extiende por toda Europa, Medio Oriente, África y Sudamérica siendo especialista en el diseño de centros comerciales, de ocio, viviendas, hoteles y proyectos de uso mixto.

Áreas de especialización:

Planes Directores / Uso Mixto / Regeneración urbana / Centros Comerciales / Ocio

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