60 years designing successful buildings
60 Jahre Chapman Taylor - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte
Today marks the 60th anniversary of Chapman Taylor’s foundation in London on 30 May 1959, and we will be celebrating this milestone across our global network of studios.
Our company was formed in London in 1959 by Bob Chapman, John Taylor and Jane Durham, and the past 60 years have seen Chapman Taylor constantly innovating and adapting to meet changing market needs. Our ongoing success is testament to our ability to keep ahead of industry trends, and we operate an ongoing research and development program which has been pioneering in the use of BIM, Virtual Reality technology and modular construction.
Chapman Taylor has continued to expand into new sectors and new markets, opening 17 studios across the UK, Europe, Asia and the Middle East and designing projects in over 90 countries.
We have worked on well over 2,000 projects in a wide range of sectors, including shopping centres, residential masterplans, office developments, theme parks, cinemas, town centre urban regeneration schemes and masterplans for entire city districts.
The company has been responsible for shaping many of the most well-known spaces in the UK and worldwide – on projects as varied as St Pancras International in London, the MediaCityUK estate in Manchester, Caspian Waterfront in Baku, Global Harbor in Shanghai, Centennial Hall in Wroclaw, and the Mall of Qatar in Doha.
With a strong ongoing portfolio of work, Chapman Taylor is as excited about future challenges and opportunities as we were on our very first day six decades ago.
Am 30. Mai 2019 jährte sich zum 60. Mal die Gründung von Chapman Taylor im Jahr 1959 in London. Diesen Meilenstein feiern wir im Juni in unseren Büros weltweit.
Chapman Taylor wurde 1959 von Bob Chapman, John Taylor und Jane Durham in London gegründet. In all den Jahren hat sich Chapman Taylor stetig weiterentwickelt und sich verändernden Anforderungen des Marktes angepasst. Der anhaltende Erfolg von Chapman Taylor ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass wir den aktuellen Branchentrends immer einen Schritt voraus sind. Außerdem betreiben wir ein kontinuierliches Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprogramm, das in der Nutzung von BIM, VR-Technologie und Modulbauweise wegweisend ist.
MediaCityUK and St. Pancras International renovation in the UK
MediaCityUK und Renovierung von St. Pancras International in London
Chapman Taylor has continued to expand into new sectors and new markets, opening 17 studios across the UK, Europe, Asia and the Middle East and designing projects in over 90 countries.
We have worked on well over 2,000 projects in a wide range of sectors, including shopping centres, residential masterplans, office developments, theme parks, cinemas, town centre urban regeneration schemes and masterplans for entire city districts.
In 60 Jahren expandierte Chapman Taylor fortlaufend in neue Sektoren und neue Märkte und eröffnete 16 Büros in Großbritannien, Europa, Asien und dem Nahen Osten.
Chapman Taylor entwarf weit über 2.000 Projekte in über 90 Ländern in den verschiedensten Bereichen, darunter Einkaufszentren, Wohnbauprojekte, Bürogebäude, Themenparks, Kinos, Stadterneuerungsprojekte und Masterpläne für ganze Stadtteile.
Caspian Waterfront in Baku and Centennial Hall in Wroclaw
Caspian Waterfront in Baku und Centennial Hall in Breslau
The company has been responsible for shaping many of the most well-known spaces in the UK and worldwide – on projects as varied as St Pancras International in London, the MediaCityUK estate in Manchester, Caspian Waterfront in Baku, Global Harbor in Shanghai, Centennial Hall in Wroclaw, and the Mall of Qatar in Doha.
With a strong ongoing portfolio of work, Chapman Taylor is as excited about future challenges and opportunities as we were on our very first day six decades ago.
Unser Unternehmen zeichnet für viele Gebäude verantwortlich, die in Großbritannien aber auch weltweit hohe Bekanntheit erlangten. Dazu zählen u.a. der Bahnhof St Pancras International in London, MediaCityUK in Manchester, Caspian Waterfront in Baku, Global Harbor in Shanghai, Centennial Hall in Breslau, Mall of Qatar in Doha, Huma Eleven in Wien und das vor kurzem eröffnete City Plaza in Wuppertal.
With a strong ongoing portfolio of work, Chapman Taylor is as excited about future challenges and opportunities as we were on our very first day six decades ago.
Heute arbeiten wir an neuen innovativen Projekten mit der gleichen Begeisterung für zukünftige Herausforderungen und Chancen wie an unserem ersten Tag vor sechs Jahrzehnten.