Adrian Griffiths writes about the urgent need to rethink the UK’s outdated shopping centre model

The past 15 years has seen the shopping centre format enter a sharp decline, exacerbated by the failure of the department stores which once reliably anchored them as well as the rise of online shopping.

Group Board Director Adrian Griffiths has written an Insight paper making the case for rethinking the once-dominant shopping centre model of monolithic, single-use, privatised town centre spaces so that our urban cores can once again serve their traditional purposes of providing a context-appropriate mix of social and commercial uses, a multi-layered experience and a strong sense of community identity.

Adrian argues that we have to consider two key principles: understanding the holistic functionality of our town centres and providing what the customer requires.

He also says that the financial model on which retail centres were previously appraised has to be completely rewritten, helping to sustain a form of mixed-use development that is adaptable, responding quickly and inexpensively to future market forces while maintaining their relevance and ultimately standing the test of time.

To read more of Adrian’s thoughts on this vital topic, please click here.

Before and after: Crompton Place Bolton, the 1970s shopping centre obliterated the historic urban fabric and the new proposal for a mixed-use scheme was awarded planning permission in 2020

Adrian argues that we have to consider two key principles: understanding the holistic functionality of our town centres and providing what the customer requires.

He also says that the financial model on which retail centres were previously appraised has to be completely rewritten, helping to sustain a form of mixed-use development that is adaptable, responding quickly and inexpensively to future market forces while maintaining their relevance and ultimately standing the test of time.

Existing enclosed inward looking shopping centre | The masterplan re-establishes the urban grain, retains the viable retail units and provides for a new mix of uses.

To read more of Adrian’s thoughts on this vital topic, please click here.

Adrian Griffiths (荣誉学士学位 建筑学文凭 英国皇家建筑师学会会员,城市设计硕士,皇家艺术协会会员)

Group Board Director, 伦敦

艾德里安1986年加入查普门泰勒,并于1998年升任董事会董事。作为所有者之一,他与其他董事会成员一道决定公司发展战略,积极推动公司发展。他是英国境内设计项目的领导人,同时积极担任伦敦和布里斯托事务所的管理工作。 作为拥有30年丰富经验的建筑师、城市规划师,艾德里安将二者技巧完美融合,在业内享有声誉


Adrian entra a far parte di Chapman Taylor nel 1986 e si unisce al Main Board nel 1998. Come architetto e specialista in progettazione urbanistica, è conosciuto a livello internazionale per la sua esperienza nei masterplan di grandi complessi multi-funzionali, che sono i principali autori nella rigenerazione dei nostri centri urbani.

Adrian è consapevole del fatto che le zone di sviluppo urbano che oggi costruiamo creano le società di domani, riconoscendo la responsabilità che la professione ha nell'influenzare la qualità della vita delle persone. Adrian partecipa abitualmente a conferenze e scrive articoli che promuovono i benefici degli spazi multifunzionali come modello sostenibile a lungo termine. Adrian guida il Concept Design Team nel Regno Unito.

Aree di competenza:

Urban design / Masterplanning / Mixed use / Retail / Leisure

Adrian kam 1986 zu Chapman Taylor und wurde 1998 ins Main Board befördert. Als Architekt und Urban Design-Spezialist ist er international anerkannt für seine Expertise in der Masterplanung von komplexen Mischbebauungsvorhaben, die Schlüsselfaktoren bei der Regeneration unserer Stadt- und Ortszentren sind.

Adrian ist sich der Tatsache bewusst, dass die Bauvorhaben, die wir heute umsetzen, die Gesellschaft von morgen bilden und ist sich der Verantwortung unseres Berufs als Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität der Menschen bewusst. Er spricht auf Konferenzen und schreibt Abhandlungen über die Vorteile von Mischbebauungsvorhaben als langfristig nachhaltiges Modell. Adrian leitet das Konzept-Design-Team in Großbritannien.


Städtebau / Masterplanung / Mixed-Use / Einzelhandel / Freizeitbauten

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