Transportation: King of Belgium to attend opening of Brussels Airport Connector building
On March the 23rd, the King of Belgium will attend the official opening of the Chapman Taylor designed Brussels Airport Connector building.
The design, which was won in competition in 2011, links the two existing passenger terminals at Brussels Airport with a new 200 metres long terminal containing a world class commercial retail and leisure space, as well as border control and security screening. It is expected to be used by over 20 million passengers per year. The double-height building encourages passengers to dwell in the central departure lounge space, while the interior design ‘look and feel’ provides a seamless connection between the two existing buildings.
Chapman Taylor both designed and delivered the project and the challenges throughout have been huge as the construction site is located in the centre of the busy international airport, which has remained fully operational throughout the building works.
On March the 24th, the British Ambassador to Belguim will also be attending an opening 'Inaugural Event', together with Chapman Taylor representatives, to help promote British design expertise exemplified by this project.
This planned launch is yet another achievement for Chapman Taylor and adds to our ever expanding portfolio of transportation projects that includes many high profile schemes across the aviation industry globally. Other current aviation projects include the retail reconfiguration of Heathrow Terminal 3 International Departure Lounge (IDL), new 'refresh and relax' concepts in Heathrow Terminal 5 and the completion of the luxury ‘mall’ at the new Heathrow Terminal 2.
Chapman Taylor’s growing architectural reputation in the design of transportation environments has also recently been recognised by the organisers of the prestigious Passenger Terminal Expo 2015, which is firmly established as the most highly regarded airport conference in the world. Roger Wilson, who represents Chapman Taylor’s Transportation sector, will be speaking at the 2015 Expo event on the 10th of March. Under the title of ‘Why Star(chitects) need Architects, not egos’, Roger will explain why Star[chitects] and airport owners need retail masterplanners to ensure that their commercial space is properly designed and planned, rather than being an adjunct to an 'iconic design' driven by ego and how the two can exist when driven by collaborative working.
To see a time lapse video of the Brussels Airport Connector building under construction click here or for more information about this scheme, please contact: Xavier Grau, xgrau@ctbenelux.com
Or for more information about Chapman Taylor’s attendance at Passenger Terminal Expo 2015, please contact: Roger Wilson, rwilson@chapmantaylor.com