Carlo Bassi speaks at Workplace Strategy & Design in Madrid
On the 23rd of November, Carlo Bassi spoke at the Grupo Vía 'Workplace Strategy & Design' seminar in Madrid. This seminar looked at current issues that influence workplace design including team work, new technologies, teleworking, “millennials” needs and flexible working hours.
The seminar brought together construction companies and real estate consultant firms to hear presentations on workplace design efficiency, maintenance and trends, together with successful case studies.
Carlo Bassi, Associate Director at our Madrid studio presented our recent 'Renault Dealership' refurbishment as a case study. This competition winning design created a high impact building for Renault’s leading dealership in Spain. As well as the dealership, the office acts as Renault's Madrid headquarters. With offices from 300 to 1400 m2 in size our design helps Renault transmit its new brand values and visual identity.
For more information please contact:
Carlo Bassi