

国际设计创作营的内容包括对场地内九个地块分别进行设计。来自14家世界顶级建筑设计事务所的19 位建筑师,每个地块分别由两名设计师做出设计(中央地块由三位设计师负责)。此次创作营为大公司之间的强强合作模式的一部分,共同致力于创造世界一流的产城融合的国际社区。

查普门泰勒董事会主席Chris Lanksbury与上海工作室董事Peter Mackey将分别对不同地块进行设计,与其他设计师同台竞技。本次创作营中只有五家受邀公司有两名参与名额,查普门泰勒便是其中之一,这也进一步证实了我司在中国市场享有很高的声望。

昨日(12月12日)金桥集团国际设计创作营启动暨项目品牌发布仪式的活动现场,在中国电视台播放进行了转播,估计约有数以百万计的观众收看了该节目。Chris Lanksbury与上海工作室董事华镭出席该启动仪式,进一步提高了查普门泰勒在中国的知名度。


上海工作室 市场部经理

Johnny Jiang (M.Arch M.D.A (Master of Design Arts))

Director, 上海 and Beijing

Johnny Jiang recently joined Chapman Taylor’s Shanghai studio as a Director in November 2018. He has considerable experience in architectural design in both Germany and China and has led and participated in many important large-scale urban design projects, including both architectural and interior design.

Johnny has plays a leading role on some of the Shanghai studio’s most significant urban design projects, and is skilled at combining innovative concepts with the requirements of China's market and the local context. Johnny’s leadership during the construction process, and his strict control of project quality, have been widely praised by clients and partners.

Areas of expertise:

Architecture / Interior Design / Urban Design / Masterplanning / Mixed-Use

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