Chapman Taylor Develops Design Concept for State-of-the-Art Light Industrial Park in Düsseldorf Flingern

Chapman Taylor has developed the design concept for a cutting-edge light industrial park in Düsseldorf Flingern, located on the former Thyssen site between Königsberger Straße and Höherweg. Developed by SEGRO, this forward-thinking project will redefine urban industrial spaces by combining modern functionality, sustainability, and community-focused design.

A Vision for Sustainable and Community-Centric Development

The design approach goes beyond constructing industrial facilities; it intends to create an environment that integrates seamlessly with its surroundings, providing tangible benefits for businesses and local communities.

The design concept prioritises:

🌿 Sustainability & Biodiversity – Green building practices, environmental protection measures, and land renaturation efforts to reduce urban sealing and enhance local ecosystems.

🏢 Flexible, Future-ready spaces – Designed to attract a diverse mix of local and regional businesses, the park will support a range of industries with adaptable rental spaces that foster innovation and economic growth.

🏡 A place for people – Thoughtfully designed outdoor areas and public spaces will encourage community engagement, making the industrial park not just a workplace but a place to connect and thrive.

Delivering the future of industrial spaces

Construction for the Düsseldorf Flingern Light Industrial Park began in November 2023 and is set for completion in 2025. This development represents a new benchmark in sustainable, high-quality industrial design, demonstrating how industrial spaces can be both functional and environmentally responsible.

At Chapman Taylor, we are excited to bring our urban and industrial design expertise to this visionary project, shaping the future of industrial parks in Germany and beyond.

A Vision for Sustainable and Community-Centric Development

The design approach goes beyond constructing industrial facilities; it intends to create an environment that integrates seamlessly with its surroundings, providing tangible benefits for businesses and local communities.

The design concept prioritises:

🌿 Sustainability & Biodiversity – Green building practices, environmental protection measures, and land renaturation efforts to reduce urban sealing and enhance local ecosystems.

🏢 Flexible, Future-ready spaces – Designed to attract a diverse mix of local and regional businesses, the park will support a range of industries with adaptable rental spaces that foster innovation and economic growth.

🏡 A place for people – Thoughtfully designed outdoor areas and public spaces will encourage community engagement, making the industrial park not just a workplace but a place to connect and thrive.

Delivering the future of industrial spaces

Construction for the Düsseldorf Flingern Light Industrial Park began in November 2023 and is set for completion in 2025. This development represents a new benchmark in sustainable, high-quality industrial design, demonstrating how industrial spaces can be both functional and environmentally responsible.

At Chapman Taylor, we are excited to bring our urban and industrial design expertise to this visionary project, shaping the future of industrial parks in Germany and beyond.

Ruprecht Melder (Dipl. Ing. Architekt (Univ.))

Group Board Director, 杜塞尔多夫

Ruprecht joined Chapman Taylor in 1995 and is responsible for the design and delivery of retail, office and hospitality projects in our Düsseldorf studio. He became joint Managing Director in 2013 to support the growth of the business and continues to oversee project work in Germany and Austria.

He has successfully established the role of 'General planner' within the Düsseldorf studio and has an established track record leading general planner teams on large-scale projects. 

Areas of expertise:

General Planner / Retail / Mixed-use / Offices 

Ruprecht ist seit 1995 bei Chapman Taylor und ist verantwortlich für die Konzeption und Durchführung von Einzelhandels-, Büro- und Mixed-Use-Projekten in unserem Büro in Düsseldorf.

Im Jahr 2008 wurde Ruprecht Melder als Prokurist Teil der Geschäftsführung und ist seit 2013 als Geschäftsführer für die Leitung und die Entwicklung des Düsseldorfer Standortes zuständig. 2021 wurde er in den Vorstand von Chapman Taylor berufen.

Ein weiterer Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt ist die des Generalplaners. Diesen Aufgabenbereich hat Ruprecht im deutschen Büro etabliert und hat sich als Leiter von Generalplanungs-Teams bei Großprojekten erfolgreich bewährt.


Generalplanung / Einzelhandel / Mixed-Use / Bürobau

Kai Felix Dorl (AKNW Dipl. – Ing. (FH))


Kai Felix Dorl has worked at Chapman Taylor in Düsseldorf since 2020. He has over 20 years of experience, most of which he gained in other European countries outside of Germany.

He worked for many years as a project manager in several internationally renowned offices, focusing on design development through to implementation planning. His creative sense and excellent technical understanding helped him successfully bring to life initial conceptual design ideas.

Felix is passionate about sustainable design, particularly in connection with timber construction.

Areas of Expertise

Retail / Mixed-Use / Workplace/ Residential / Hotel / Infrastructure

Kai Felix Dorl ist seit 2020 bei Chapman Taylor in Düsseldorf tätig. Seine über 20-jährige Erfahrung sammelte er zu einem großen Teil im europäischen Ausland.

Dabei arbeitete er viele Jahre in international renommierten Büros in der Projektleitung für verschiedenste Großprojekte mit den Schwerpunkten der Entwurfsentwicklung bis zur Ausführungsplanung. Sein gestalterisches Gespür zusammen mit seinem ausgeprägten technischen Verständnis garantieren die Verwirklichung des ersten konzeptionellen Entwurfsgedankens.

Bei Chapman Taylor liegt ein Fokus seiner Tätigkeit in der nachhaltigen Gestaltung in Verbindung mit Holzbaukonstruktionen.


Handel / Gewerbe / Mixed Use/ Büro / Wohnungsbau / Hotel / Infrastruktur / Sonderbauten

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