Creating personal drone vehicle capability at São Paulo Catarina Executive Airport

Chapman Taylor’s Transport Research Group has written an Insight paper exploring a potential new building type which caters for the emergence of eVTOL (Electronic Vertical Take-Off and Landing) technology.

Using Chapman Taylor’s future-proofed design for São Paulo Catarina Executive Airport as the basis for its study, the Transport Research Group outlines key ideas about how an eVTOL hub facility may be realised.

While mass ownership of PAVs (Personalised Air Vehicles) may be some years away, the potential of air taxis is generating increasing interest and excitement. There are numerous start-ups and established players developing hundreds of eVTOL concepts to enter what is seen as a potentially extremely lucrative market.

These services are being formulated as conventional driver and passenger services as well as advanced drone vehicles facilitated by structured airspace, 5G and the potential for safe and secure data networks.

As technology develops, the prospect of all-electric vehicles, well-suited for short distances at medium speed, becomes more real, promising a great addition to integrated urban transport networks. Currently and for longer distances, hybrid-electric concepts can provide the necessary range while still offering quieter, environmentally friendly transport.

To read the Group’s thoughts about design for the future of this air travel format and the infrastructure that will be required to facilitate it, please click here.

While mass ownership of PAVs (Personalised Air Vehicles) may be some years away, the potential of air taxis is generating increasing interest and excitement. There are numerous start-ups and established players developing hundreds of eVTOL concepts to enter what is seen as a potentially extremely lucrative market.

These services are being formulated as conventional driver and passenger services as well as advanced drone vehicles facilitated by structured airspace, 5G and the potential for safe and secure data networks.

As technology develops, the prospect of all-electric vehicles, well-suited for short distances at medium speed, becomes more real, promising a great addition to integrated urban transport networks. Currently and for longer distances, hybrid-electric concepts can provide the necessary range while still offering quieter, environmentally friendly transport.

To read the Group’s thoughts about design for the future of this air travel format and the infrastructure that will be required to facilitate it, please click here.

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