Leisure: Shanghai Disneyland opens

The world's newest Disney theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, officially opened on June 16th.

Having  already attracted one million visitors during a six-week, pre-opening trial period, the park looks set to be one of the world's leading theme park attractions.

We are delighted to be one of the designers involved in this world-beating project having designed the SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT metro station interiors.  The 'World of Disney Store' (the largest in the world) has been designed to resemble a railway 'roundhouse' and the 'Spoonful of Sugar' candy store are other impressive thematic interiors at the gates of the theme park.

One of the most unique interiors is the 'Walt Disney Grand Theatre', with art deco and industrial chic themes coming together in the lobby and auditorium spaces.  This 1,200 seat theatre is the only space which operates both as part of the theme park and part of the 'Retail, Dining and Entertainment Zone'.  It will host Chinese-language Disney shows (the 'Lion King' premiers there this week) and Disney and Marvel movie Chinese premieres.

For more information, please contact:

Peter Mackey


We are delighted to be one of the designers involved in this world-beating project having designed the SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT metro station interiors. The 'World of Disney Store' (the largest in the world) has been designed to resemble a railway 'roundhouse' and the 'Spoonful of Sugar' candy store are other impressive thematic interiors at the gates of the theme park.

One of the most unique interiors is the 'Walt Disney Grand Theatre', with art deco and industrial chic themes coming together in the lobby and auditorium spaces. This 1,200 seat theatre is the only space which operates both as part of the theme park and part of the 'Retail, Dining and Entertainment Zone'. It will host Chinese-language Disney shows (the 'Lion King' premiers there this week) and Disney and Marvel movie Chinese premieres.

For more information please contact:

Metro station interior and the 'World of Disney Store'.

One of the most unique interiors is the 'Walt Disney Grand Theatre', with art deco and industrial chic themes coming together in the lobby and auditorium spaces. This 1,200 seat theatre is the only space which operates both as part of the theme park and part of the 'Retail, Dining and Entertainment Zone'. It will host Chinese-language Disney shows (the 'Lion King' premiers there this week) and Disney and Marvel movie Chinese premieres.

For more information please contact:

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