越南政府审查通过Mui Dinh生态度假区规划方案
查普门泰勒规划设计的Mui Dinh生态度假区通过了越南政府的审批,项目面积达110万平方米。
Mui Dinh生态度假区坐落于越南美丽迷人的东海岸,设计方案反映了组成周遭环境的重要元素——沙、海、盐、日。规划设计希望以Mui Dinh当地悠久的历史为灵感,特别是占族文化及建筑风格和越南最后朝代失落的古代文明,打造出一个亚洲市场中无二的以酒店为主导的综合开发项目。
东南亚地区董事奥斯卡 马丁内斯表示:“越南政府能够全力支持我们的规划方案,开发建设一个宏伟且独特的生态项目,我们非常高兴。该项目将改变这个美丽的海岸区域,打造吸引力强同时可持续发展的集聚地,推动越南东部地区的经济增长。”
Oscar Martinez
东南亚地区 董事
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Notes to editors: Chapman Taylor is an award-winning practice of global architects and masterplanners, known for designing places and buildings that are both creative and successful. Established in 1959, we have long-standing relationships with many of the world’s leading developers, contractors, consultants, investors and brands. Clients benefit from the breadth of our pooled knowledge and creative expertise across design studios in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Specialising in Residential, Retail, Leisure, Hospitality and Office design, we are able to blend these uses into vibrant mixed-use environments for people to enjoy. Our work has won over 200 global design awards.