New photos of MeadowSide in Angel Meadow, Manchester

Our latest photos show Meadowside in Angel Meadow, Manchester, now it is fully complete.

Chapman Taylor was appointed as Executive Architect to deliver two residential towers as part of Far Eastern Consortium’s MeadowSide development. The 22-storey Gate and 17-storey Stile buildings provide a total of 286 apartments including one, two, and three-bedroom homes with rooftop penthouses in both buildings. Crisply detailed glazed facades sit above a more solidly expressed base which accommodates amenity facilities for the residents including a boutique lobby, concierge, shared workspace, gym, residents’ lounge, and external terrace overlooking Angel Meadow.

The ground floor area houses a boutique lobby and shared workspace together with independent retail and restaurant units, providing active frontage to the surrounding area. The buildings include a concierge, gym, residents’ lounge and a terrace overlooking Angel Meadow.

Located at the northern gateway to Manchester city centre, close to the city’s creative heart, best bars and independent shops, the overall MeadowSide development provides 756 new apartments, penthouses, and townhouses across four buildings located around the historically important Angel Meadow parkland.

The wider project involves the phased construction of four residential buildings located around Angel Meadow, which provides residents with a relaxing parkland space in which to escape the bustle of the city.

Rachel Rogerson (BA (Hons), Dip Arch)

Director, 曼彻斯特

Rachel joined Chapman Taylor in Manchester in 2006 and became an Associate Director in 2016. She is responsible for leading the Technical Group and ISO 14001 in the Manchester studio.

She has over 10 years’ experience with particular focus on technical delivery and design management of major projects in the UK and internationally across a number of sectors.

Areas of expertise:

Residential / Leisure / Retail / Delivery / Design Management

Phillip Kempsey

Senior Architect

Philip has had over 10 years’ experience in practice with integral roles in the design and delivery of schemes within the residential, commercial, leisure and higher education sectors.

Prior to joining Chapman Taylor in 2017, projects he worked on included the design coordination of a number of mixed-use, high-rise student and privately rented residential towers in city centre locations, often as part of wider masterplans. These schemes have ranged from 300 to 500 units within these mixed-use developments which aim to also serve the wider community.

Areas of expertise:
Residential / Leisure / Education / Technical Development / Deliver

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