Offices: Chapman Taylor UK to peddle for charity at BCO Cycle Challenge 2016
Chapman Taylor’s Mike Grace and Mark Doughty are to cycle 320 miles to Amsterdam as part of annual British Council for Offices - BCO Cycle challenge - to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.
The BCO Conference Charity for 2016 is the Teenage Cancer Trust, which is dedicated to supporting the seven young people aged between 13 and 24 diagnosed with cancer every day.
Both Mike and Mark will be cycling alongside others from across the construction industry over 4 days and across 4 countries and finishing in Amsterdam on May 11th.
The BCO Annual Conference take part in Amsterdam this year with an urban area dedicated to innovation,
To support our riders and donate to the Teenage Cancer Trust please go to: https://www.justgiving.com/BCOConference2016CycleChallenge/