Retail and Leisure: The President of Kazakhstan visits our Mega Silk Way project
Президент Казахстана посетил торгово-выставочные павильоны Mega Silkway
On the 16th of December, Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan visited Expo 2017 in Astana to review progress on the Expo site.
Click here to see a video of Nursultan Nazarbayev visiting Mega Silk Way which is an integral part of Expo 2017.
Mega Silk Way is a 140,000 m² GBA shopping and leisure complex which is planned to be a commercial link under a shell roof leading from Nazarbayev University to the exhibition buildings of the EXPO.
The centre will include 210 shops, 24 restaurants, a food court, 10 cinemas including a IMAX screen, 2300 car spaces, and children’s entertainment area.
A full scale Ferris wheel will also stand outside the building.
Большое колесо обозрения будет располагаться рядом с торговым центром
On the 16th of December, Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan visited Expo 2017 in Astana to review progress on the Expo site.
Click here to see a video of Nursultan Nazarbayev visiting Mega Silk Way which is an intregal part of Expo 2017.
Mega Silk Way is a 140,000m2 GBA shopping and leisure complex which is planned to be a commercial link under a shell roof leading from Nazarbayev University to the exhibition buildings of the EXPO.
The centre will include 210 shops, 24 restaurants, a food court, 10 cinemas including a IMAX screen, 2300 car spaces, and children’s entertainment area. A full scale Ferris wheel will also stand outside the building.
It is hoped that the building will act as an important route for EXPO visitors, and will be a symbol of the EXPO after it is closed, as well as becoming the city’s major family attraction.
For more information please contact:
Ramchandra Khatiwada
Ожидается, что торгово-развлекательный центр выступит в качестве важного элемента для посетителей ЭКСПО, превратится в символ выставки после её закрытия, а также станет крупнейшей семейной достопримечательностью города.
Для более подробной информации:
Рамчандра Хативада