Worldwide projects in progress at our Madrid studio
Perfil de estudio: Proyectos mundiales en marcha en nuestro estudio de Madrid
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chapman Taylor’s Madrid studio team has been working remotely for almost four weeks now, continuing to work with our clients, partners and suppliers and experiencing a smooth transition to remote design activity. We continue to work on a wide range of projects, both within Spain and abroad.
Our Feasibility/Research team is currently designing and coordinating a variety of projects around the world, including masterplans for new urban districts and mixed-use projects in Saudi Arabia, Korea, Europe, Latin America and China.
Our Residential team is now in the initial stages of developing luxury homes in Spain, in addition to continuing to work on mixed-use developments in Portugal and Georgia.
Our Interiors team is working on the refurbishment of shopping centres in Paris, the above-mentioned residential scheme in Georgia and several other commercial projects at national and international level, including the soon-to-complete TresAguas shopping and leisure centre and the Los Cubos office building in Madrid.
The studio is also working on a wide range of projects in Madrid, Coruña, Alicante, Cantabria and the Balearic Islands, as well as progressing with new developments in Portugal or Mexico.
Our Madrid studio, like all of Chapman Taylor’s studios, is fully equipped with the ability to continue its work and to provide our clients with industry-leading service. We will remain open and available to assist both existing and new clients, as well as partners and stakeholders, throughout the coming weeks.
Ante la situación actual de crisis derivada de la pandemia del COVID-19, el equipo de Chapman Taylor Madrid Studio está trabajando de forma remota para dar continuidad a la actividad y seguir prestando servicio a clientes, socios y proveedores. Con una cartera de proyectos repartidos por todo el mundo, a continuación se presentan algunos de ellos:
Los Cubos, Madrid, Spain
The refurbishment of Los Cubos adds fresh character to the 1970s office building while retaining the distinctive ‘cubic’ theme of the original building.
La renovación de Los Cubos aporta un carácter fresco al edificio de oficinas de la década de los 70, al mismo tiempo que conserva el distintivo tema "cúbico" del edificio original.
Our Feasibility/Research team is currently designing and coordinating a variety of projects around the world, including masterplans for new urban districts and mixed-use projects in Saudi Arabia, Korea, Europe, Latin America and China.
Our Residential team is now in the initial stages of developing luxury homes in Spain, in addition to continuing to work on mixed-use developments in Portugal and Georgia.
Our Interiors team is working on the refurbishment of shopping centres in Paris, the above-mentioned residential scheme in Georgia and several other commercial projects at national and international level, including the soon-to-complete TresAguas shopping and leisure centre and the Los Cubos office building in Madrid.
The studio is also working on a wide range of projects in Madrid, Coruña, Alicante, Cantabria and the Balearic Islands, as well as progressing with new developments in Portugal or Mexico.
Our Madrid studio, like all of Chapman Taylor’s studios, is fully equipped with the ability to continue its work and to provide our clients with industry-leading service. We will remain open and available to assist both existing and new clients, as well as partners and stakeholders, throughout the coming weeks.
Nuestro equipo de Viabilidad / Investigación está diseñando y coordinando actualmente, una variedad de proyectos en todo el mundo, incluidos masterplans para nuevos distritos urbanos y proyectos de uso mixto en Arabia Saudí, Corea, Europa, América Latina y China.
Batumi Riviera, Batumi, Georgia
Batumi Riviera consists of six residential and hotel towers, the largest of which (Silk Tower) will be 42 storeys and 130m high, the seafront project includes a yacht club and new marina, a shopping centre, a casino, outdoor pools and restaurants, a multifunctional hall, a congress centre and a landscaped recreational zone.
Batumi Riviera consta de seis torres residenciales y hoteleras. La mayor de ellas (Silk Tower) de 130m de altura contará con 42 pisos. El proyecto frente al mar incluye un club náutico y un nuevo puerto deportivo, un centro comercial, un casino, piscinas al aire libre, restaurantes, un hall multifuncional, centro de congresos y zona recreativa ajardinada.
Our Residential team is now in the initial stages of developing luxury homes in Spain, in addition to continuing to work on mixed-use developments in Portugal and Georgia.
Cinco District, Carnaxide, Portugal
Nuestro equipo de residencial, se encuentra en estos momentos en las etapas iniciales de desarrollo de viviendas de lujo en España, además de continuar trabajando en desarrollos de uso mixto en Portugal y Georgia.
Cinco District, Carnaxide, Portugal
Cinco District will be a new office, F&B and hotel development at Carnaxide, near Lisbon in Portugal.
Our Interiors team is working on the refurbishment of shopping centres in Paris, the above-mentioned residential scheme in Georgia and several other commercial projects at national and international level, including the soon-to-complete TresAguas shopping and leisure centre and the Los Cubos office building in Madrid.
TresAguas, Madrid, Spain
Cinco District será una nueva oficina, F&B y desarrollo hotelero en Carnaxide, cerca de Lisboa en Portugal.
Nuestro equipo de Interiores está trabajando en la renovación de centros comerciales en París, el desarrollo residencial mencionado anteriormente en Georgia y varios proyectos comerciales a nivel nacional e internacional, incluido el centro comercial y de ocio TresAguas, que pronto se completará, y el edificio de Los Cubos en Madrid.
TresAguas, Madrid, Spain
TresAguas shopping centre in the Madrid district of Alcorcón first opened in 2002 and is being enhanced including renovating shopfronts to become more attractive and welcoming.
The studio is also working on a wide range of projects in Madrid, Coruña, Alicante, Cantabria and the Balearic Islands, as well as progressing with new developments in Portugal or Mexico.
Breogán Park, A Coruña, Spain
El centro comercial TresAguas en el distrito madrileño de Alcorcón abrió sus puertas por primera vez en 2002 y se está mejorando y renovando para darle un aspecto más atractivo y acogedor.
El estudio también está trabajando en una amplia gama de proyectos en Madrid, Coruña, Alicante, Cantabria e Islas Baleares, además de progresar con nuevos desarrollos en Portugal y México.
Breogán Park, A Coruña, Spain
The 66,000m² GLA retail and leisure centre, located in the city of A Coruña on the north coast of Galicia, will host 7,000m² of sports activities, leisure and family entertainment, served by 2,600 underground parking spaces.
Our Madrid studio, like all of Chapman Taylor’s studios, is fully equipped with the ability to continue its work and to provide our clients with industry-leading service. We will remain open and available to assist both existing and new clients, as well as partners and stakeholders, throughout the coming weeks.
El centro comercial y de ocio GLA de 66.000 m² en A Coruña, en la costa norte de Galicia, albergará 7.000 m² de actividades deportivas, de ocio y entretenimiento familiar, atendidas por 2.600 plazas de aparcamiento subterráneo.
Nuestro estudio de Madrid, como todos los estudios de Chapman Taylor, está totalmente preparado para poder continuar su trabajo y prestar un servicio líder en la industria. Continuaremos de esta manera; abiertos y disponibles para ayudar a clientes existentes y nuevos, así como a los socios y partes interesadas, durante las próximas semanas.