阿什福德奥特莱斯扩建项目 Location City: 英国,阿什福德

Creating Europe's largest green wall

VIEWS:  41393
商业, 休闲
伦敦, 布里斯托


Key Info

An extension to the exsisting Designer Outlet scheme of 80 retail units that will add 38 shops - plus restaurants, 725 extra car parking space, a new events space and children’s play area
An additional 100,000 sq ft to the current 185,000 sq ft
Due to complete 2019
Targeting BREEAM 'Very good'

Map Location

Enhancing one of the UK's flagship designer outlets

In 2016, plans for a significant expansion to Ashford Designer Outlet in Kent, UK, were given the green light by Ashford Borough Council.  

This is Ashford Designer Outlet's first extension since the centre opened in 2000.

Improved retail and leisure offer

The extension will add a further 38 retail and leisure units to the 80 already there, a new events space and children’s play area and improved links to the town centre. 

A stunning 'living green wall' cladding system

A stunning 'living green wall' cladding system to reflect the centre's location in Kent, which is a county often referred to as the Garden of England. With year-round savings, the Outlet centre is famous for attracting affluent long-haul tourists from Continental Europe and day-out visitors.  

The new extension is designed by Chapman Taylor, along with Applied Landscape Design.

For more information please contact:

Nick Thursby
Director (Bristol)
T: +44 (0) 117 364 3250
E: nthursby@chapmantaylor.com

Nick Thursby (BA (Hons) Dip Arch RIBA)

Director, 布里斯托

Nick joined Chapman Taylor’s London studio in 1999 and worked on the award-winning Princesshay, Exeter scheme before joining the UK concept design team.

He was jointly responsible for establishing Chapman Taylor’s Bristol studio in 2013 and as a UK Board Director is now responsible for the ongoing development and management of this part of the UK business. Nick also leads Chapman Taylor’s Sustainability Group responsible for researching best-practice environmental design initiatives and innovation.

He has 20 years’ experience spanning all project stages.

Areas of expertise:

Retail / Residential / Mixed-use / Concept Design / Detailed Design  / Sustainability

Nick joined Chapman Taylor’s London studio in 1999 and worked on the award-winning Princesshay, Exeter scheme before joining the UK concept design team.

He was jointly responsible for establishing Chapman Taylor’s Bristol studio in 2013 and as a UK Board Director is now responsible for the ongoing development and management of this part of the UK business. Nick also leads Chapman Taylor’s Sustainability Group responsible for researching best-practice environmental design initiatives and innovation.

He has 20 years’ experience spanning all project stages.

Areas of expertise:

Retail / Residential / Mixed-use / Concept Design / Detailed Design / Sustainability


Highly Commended - Global RLI Award Shopping & Outlet Centre Renovation
Highly Commended - Global RLI Award Shopping & Outlet Centre Renovation
Best Façade - ASSC Pro+ Award
Best Façade - ASSC Pro+ Award
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