Bumrungrad International Hospital
Location City:
Bangkok, Thailand
Designing for wellbeing and a sense of luxury at Bangkok's world-famous International Hospital.
VIEWS: 15835
Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited
Key Info
Sports clinic and rehabilitation centre, including X-Ray and CT Scan areas, inpatient rooms and a 10th floor Sky Lobby as the main reception space for the hospital, a cancer centre and an intensive care unit, among several other elements.
Map Location
Diverse hospital spaces, from clinical areas to cafés and juice bars
Chapman Taylor has designed several areas of the Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok, considered one of the top ten healthcare tourism destinations in the world and the largest private hospital in South East Asia.
Among the hospital’s provisions, we have designed a sports clinic and rehabilitation centre, including X-Ray and CT Scan areas, inpatient rooms and a 10th floor Sky Lobby as the main reception space for the hospital (including an organic restaurant and juice bars, cafés, lounges, a welcome centre, cultural desks, nursing rooms for babies and VIP guest lounges for privacy). We have also designed a cancer centre and an intensive care unit, among several others.
A timeless space
A key area of our work was the renovation of the public spaces in the hospital’s Imaging Department on Level 2, including the lifts. This 585m² project involved redesigning corridors, toilets and changing rooms to create a timeless space that will serve the hospital and its patients for the next 25 years.
Combining high clinical standards with luxury hospitality
The main aim was to create the look and feel of a 5-Star luxury hotel, using natural materials, neutral tones and soft textures while ensuring the design met the highest standards for a clinical environment. Edges are rounded, joints are seamless and surfaces are continuous, preventing the accumulation of dust and bacteria.
Wellbeing-promoting design
To further promote wellbeing among the patients, we used a light colour palette and soft, diffuse light, which help create a sense of both relaxation and happiness. A selection of custom-made artworks along the corridors and bespoke details such as golden wall guards, skirtings and furniture instil a sense of luxury.
A relaxing ambience
The concept for the interiors of the passenger lift cars and the stretcher lift complements the atmosphere and mood of the Imaging Department corridor. Warm tones, soft light, rounded corners, gold-coloured details and an organic pattern (on a fabric panel or directly applied to the laminate wall) all contribute to the definition of the space’s character.
A new Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
We also designed the hospital’s 420m² Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic, where a team of dedicated and experienced professionals from the Thai and international medical community provides personalised care and training. The space includes a doctor fitness zone, a patient training zone, a consultation room, a treatment room, a dedicated Pilates zone and highly accessible bathrooms.
Simplicity and efficiency
The centre is designed for functional efficiency and ease of use. Our design concept for the reception and waiting area, the functional assessment zone and the functional training zone was inspired by Zen principles – simplicity, clean and open layouts, natural and beautiful materials, peacefulness and a lack of clutter. The design fulfilled the client’s aspirations by making the centre a “body and mind healing place”.
Dental and Behavioural Clinic designs
The renovation of the luxury private hospital’s Dental and Behavioural Clinics sees their public areas transformed with elegant, functionally efficient and wellbeing-friendly design. The interior renewal delivers more welcoming and calming environments for the 129m² Dental Clinic, the 36m² Behavioural Clinic, the 141m² public corridor and the 18m² lavatory, all on the hospital’s third floor.
Chapman Taylor has been working with leading names in the healthcare sector to design hospitals, clinics and wellness resorts in Asia, particularly in Bangkok, to which people from all over the world travel for sophisticated and luxurious care.
Chris si unisce a Chapman Taylor nel 1979 e da allora svolge un ruolo importante nell'espansione del gruppo come studio di progettazione a livello globale. È uno dei quattro soci di Chapman Taylor e ha particolari responsabilità nella direzione strategica del business internazionale.
Chris è inoltre pienamente coinvolto nella direzione dei progetti e ha lavorato su progetti di diverse tipologie e dimensioni in oltre 60 paesi in tutto il mondo. Egli ritiene che il progetto architettonico debba essere un processo di collaborazione accuratamente gestito che trae ispirazione dal brief, dalla funzione e dal luogo.
Крис является частью компании Chapman Taylor с 1979 года и играет ключевую роль в расширении и развитии архитектурного проектирования на международном рынке. Он является одним из владельцев компании и отвечает за стратегическое направление международного бизнеса.
Крис по прежнему принимает активное участие в процессе ведения проектов и обладает мировым опытом в проектировании зданий любых видов и размеров в более чем 60 странах по всему миру. Крис убежден, что архитектурное проектирование – это, прежде всего, тщательно контролируемый совместный процесс, который черпает вдохновение в таких вещах, как задание на проектирование, функциональность и непосредственно место.
Области специализации:
Разработка генпланов/Многофункциональных комплексов/Торговых объектов/Развлекательных объектов/Офисных помещений/Жилых комплексов/Гостиничных комплексов
Chris ist seit 1979 bei Chapman Taylor und spielte eine wichtige Rolle beim Ausbau des Unternehmens als globales Design-Unternehmen. Er ist einer der Eigentümer von Chapman Taylor und trägt besondere Verantwortung für die strategische Ausrichtung des Auslandsgeschäfts.
Chris ist noch voll bei der Design-Leitung von Projekten involviert und hat bei verschiedenen Arten und Größen von Gebäuden in über sechzig Ländern der Welt gearbeitet. Er glaubt, dass Architektur ein sorgfältig gesteuerter kollaborativer Prozess ist, der durch das Briefing, die Funktion und den Ort inspiriert wird.
يعمل كريس في تشابمان تايلور منذ عام 1979 ولعب دورًا رئيسيًا في توسيع الممارسة كعمل تصميم عالمي. وهو أحد مالكي تشابمان تايلور ، ويتحمل مسؤولية خاصة عن التوجه الاستراتيجي للأعمال الدولية.
يشارك كريس بالكامل في قيادة تصميم المشاريع ، وقد عمل على العديد من أنواع وأحجام المباني المختلفة في أكثر من 60 دولة حول العالم. وهو يعتقد أن التصميم المعماري هو عملية تعاونية تتم ادارتها بعناية وتستمد الإلهام من الملخص والوظيفة والمكان.
مجالات الخبرة:
المخطط الرئيسي / الاستخدام المتعدد / المتاجر/ الترفيه / المكاتب / السكني / الفنادق
Best Leisure Interior –
2021 Asia Pacific Property Awards