Los Cubos is an iconic office building located on the busy M30 motorway in Madrid
VIEWS: 16676
Grupo Inmobiliario Realia
Key Info
Office refurbishment to bring a fresh and dynamic new feel to an icon building whilst retaining the distinctive ‘cube’ principles of the original building
9 floors
Planning permission granted June 2017
Map Location
A competition win to refurbish the Los Cubos Building in Madrid
Los Cubos was designed in 1974 by the French architects Michel Andrault, Pierre Parat, Aydin Guvan and Alain Capieu, and was built between 1976 and 1981.
A fresh and dynamic new design
The refurbishment proposal aims to bring a fresh and dynamic new design character to the building and to retain the distinctive ‘cubicle’ principles of the original branding.
Chapman Taylor is responsible for the asset enhancement exterior and interior design.
Mikel Barriola
(B Arch, Dip Arch, ARB BEDA (Hons) COAM)
Group Board Director, 马德里
Mikel joined Chapman Taylor in 1997 and became a Director of the Madrid studio in 2003. He is now the Managing Director and takes responsibility for the general management of the studio including design, technical, financial and office administration.
With a well-established track-record, Mikel has experience on major projects across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America, with design expertise in retail, leisure, residential, hospitality and mixed-use developments.
Mikel se incorporó a Chapman Taylor en 1997 y se convirtió en Director del Estudio de Madrid en 2003. Hoy en día es el Director General y tiene la responsabilidad de la dirección general del Estudio (diseño, parte técnica y financiera y administración de la oficina).
La experiencia que posee Mikel se extiende por toda Europa, Medio Oriente, África y Sudamérica siendo especialista en el diseño de centros comerciales, de ocio, viviendas, hoteles y proyectos de uso mixto.
Áreas de especialización:
Planes Directores / Uso Mixto / Regeneración urbana / Centros Comerciales / Ocio