OSiR Żoliborz sport and recreation complex Location City: Warsaw

VIEWS:  4357
Warsaw’s Żoliborz District Office


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Chapman Taylor has created architectural and urban design concepts for the modernisation of Warsaw’s historic and well-known RKS Marymont Stadium and neighbouring OSiR Żoliborz sport and recreation complex.

Two concepts have been created to better understand the opinions and needs of local residents and taken to public consultation.

Concept two

A grass Amphitheatre and stoa.

Rafal Giersz

Director, 华沙

Rafal Giersz Associate Director, Warsaw

Rafal joined Chapman Taylor in London December 2006, transferring to the Warsaw studio in April 2017, where he became Associate Director in 2018.

He has worked on major retail-led projects, using his excellent retail design knowledge to enhance schemes. He has also been involved in developing our business in the retail and leisure sectors.

Rafal is focused on using his skills to strengthen the Warsaw studio’s capabilities in producing world-class architectural design.

Areas of Expertise:

Retail / Leisure 

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