Porta Jeddah Location City: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

A innovative mixed-use development set to become an iconic landmark in the city

VIEWS:  6971
综合体, 商业, 休闲, 办公空间, 酒店
伦敦, 迪拜


Key Info

A wide variety of retail, F&B and leisure as well as a 150-key lifestyle hotel, branded residences and workplace amenities.
150,000m² GBA

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Drawing design inspiration from the city's rich cultural heritage

The 150,000m² GBA Porta Jeddah mixed-use development in Saudi Arabia is set to become an iconic landmark in the city, featuring a wide variety of retail, F&B and leisure as well as a 150-key lifestyle hotel, branded residences and workplace amenities. The design draws inspiration from the city's rich cultural heritage and includes elements that evoke powerful memories of Jeddah, such as the Makkah gate, the old port, Al Balad and the palace gardens.

Set to become an iconic architectural landmark

Chapman Taylor's vision for Porta Jeddah is to create a destination that has a deep connection to its context, one that captures the energy and diversity of the city and creates a strong sense of place and authenticity. The development will feature a gateway that characterises the project, embracing the central plaza and becoming an iconic architectural landmark in the city.

Olly Barnard

Director, 迪拜


Highly commended - RLI MENA Awards
Highly commended - RLI MENA Awards
All awards
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