A unique conservation area retail & residential city centre development
VIEWS: 19898
Land Securities
Key Info
50,000m² of retail space accommodating over 60 stores; 121 residential units, 5 restaurants, 12,000m² department store, 510 parking spaces.
Visitor numbers:
17.4m per year
September 2007
BREEAM 'Very good'
Key awards:
BCSC "Supreme Gold Award" in 2007. Retail Week's "Shopping location of the year" 2008. ICSC "Best Medium Sized Shopping Centre in Europe" 2008
Map Location
Award winning mixed-used city centre scheme in the heart of Exeter's conservation area
Completed in 2007, winning several industry awards, Princesshay hosts over 17.4 million visitors per year. The design process embraced collaborative working with WilkinsonEyre and Panter Hudspith undertaking detailed design for parts of the scheme.
Over 100 residential units
Residential apartments overlook the streets and have outside spaces. Access is provided from the street, clustered around private courtyards on top of the retail.
Economic regeneration
The largest single regeneration in the city’s history, Princesshay has transformed Exeter’s economy and retail scene – with more than £200m injected into the city since its opening. 1,200 people now work at Princesshay, whether in the stores and restaurants or as part of management and ancillary services team
Chapman Taylor produced the masterplan, the detailed design for the central position of the site, the employers requirements and delivery for the whole development including the role of monitoring architect.
Adrian entra a far parte di Chapman Taylor nel 1986 e si unisce al Main Board nel 1998. Come architetto e specialista in progettazione urbanistica, è conosciuto a livello internazionale per la sua esperienza nei masterplan di grandi complessi multi-funzionali, che sono i principali autori nella rigenerazione dei nostri centri urbani.
Adrian è consapevole del fatto che le zone di sviluppo urbano che oggi costruiamo creano le società di domani, riconoscendo la responsabilità che la professione ha nell'influenzare la qualità della vita delle persone. Adrian partecipa abitualmente a conferenze e scrive articoli che promuovono i benefici degli spazi multifunzionali come modello sostenibile a lungo termine. Adrian guida il Concept Design Team nel Regno Unito.
Adrian kam 1986 zu Chapman Taylor und wurde 1998 ins Main Board befördert. Als Architekt und Urban Design-Spezialist ist er international anerkannt für seine Expertise in der Masterplanung von komplexen Mischbebauungsvorhaben, die Schlüsselfaktoren bei der Regeneration unserer Stadt- und Ortszentren sind.
Adrian ist sich der Tatsache bewusst, dass die Bauvorhaben, die wir heute umsetzen, die Gesellschaft von morgen bilden und ist sich der Verantwortung unseres Berufs als Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität der Menschen bewusst. Er spricht auf Konferenzen und schreibt Abhandlungen über die Vorteile von Mischbebauungsvorhaben als langfristig nachhaltiges Modell. Adrian leitet das Konzept-Design-Team in Großbritannien.